Fishy Business

Video game of:

Martin Baadsgaard - The Animation Workshop (Viborg, Denmark)
Andreea Serban-Chira - The Animation Workshop (Viborg, Denmark)
Quinten Van Epperzeel - Howest (Courtrai, Belgium)
Stijn Vande Maele - Howest (Courtrai, Belgium)

Produced during a Digital Stories workshop.


Let’s go for a dive into the bottom of the ocean : the laser pointers is used to create bubbles that protect a shoal of fishes attacked by various ennemies (piranhas, octopus…). The game values the collective experiment of « unity is strengh » ! Playful, this game is appropriate for all audiences.


Production financed with the support of the Nord-Pas de Calais regional council, and the European Project VIVID, co-financed by Interreg IV-A 2 Seas Programme.

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